31 January 2010


Sam Cooke - Wonderful World

Uite ca am terminat oarecum cu ce-a fost mai nasol (scolareste vorbind) in Lisboa, si ma indrept catre lucruri frumose! Maine deabia astept vizita celei mai bune prietene ale mele, aka BFF, aka Pisi = ALINA!!!!

Lucrurile s-au aranjat in asa fel incat in ultima saptamana a mea aici sa o am pe ea sa revad si sa musc cu toata puterea din viata de aici! Sunt prietena cu ea de cand inca nici nu eram concepute. Povestea intersanta e ca mamele noastre erau colege de banca si cele mai bune prietene si tatii nostrii la fel. Insa ei nu se cunosteau de pe atunci. S-au casatorit unii cu altii si de atunci sunt la fel de buni prieteni! Ne-am nascut la diferenta de 2 luni si din 1986 am mancat in fiecare an gogosi si porumb pe plaja impreuna! Am fost mereu terorizate de Andrei si de alti baieti si mereu ne-am aparat si am fost there for each-other!

Cred ca am fi cu totii mai buni daca am avea macar un prieten asa cum suntem noi doua!

Am pozat-o pe Alina iarna asta inainte de revelion in studio si acum mi se pare cel mai bun moment sa impartasesc cateva poze cu voi!

Te pup, Ali! Te-astept in aeroport!

08 January 2010


mariza - fado tordo

Most of you know I am in Lisboa with an Erasmus scholarship. Since I've been here I discovered the city many times and in many ways. I also traveled around the city in different smaller cities with beach, ocean, and very nice people.

Erasmus is interesting. You know so many people, that at one point you don't really know who you met. I noticed that Erasmus doesn't mean necessarily smart, but fun and curious and courageous. It was hard for me being without the people I love, and I think I began loving the city when they came and visited me.

Now I only have one month to stay and I am preparing for a lot of work! So I think I should show some of the times I had here.

I took tones of pictures and more,and I would love for you to see all of them, but I made a selection of BEST OF LISBON - PICTURES HERE - CLICK HERE !!!

You will se there how nice weather I was lucky to have and how much fun we had!